
Our Classes Provide Tools To Transform Your Life

Our classes are designed to help you unlock your potential, find inner strength, and live well. Learn to build transformative skills by utilizing holistic practices and alternative techniques. Whether you're just starting our or have been on your path for some time, our classes help you to grow and evolve, so you can create the life you truly want. . 

Deepen your intuition, expand your consciousness, and discover the joy of creating a life filled with more meaning within an inspiring community. Experience how learning and practicing these techniques can help transform your life. Come join us!

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Transform your life with this comprehensive class series. You’ll learn a wide range of skills, from developing your intuition to resolving ancestral issues and past traumas. Gain knowledge, tools, and practices that will support your growth and wellbeing!

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Soul Empowerment Circles

Connect to Your Inner Power and Transform Your Life

Join our transformative Soul Empowerment Circles and experience the amplified power of learning and growing in a supportive group. Each month, you will learn a new technique and experience putting it into practice.

Through a combination of instruction, guided imagery, and practical techniques, you will expand your ability to listen to your inner voice, let go of the past, make more empowered decisions, and navigate life's challenges with greater clarity and confidence.

Join once a month to steadily advance your knowledge or bi-monthly to gain additional experience and mentoring, so you can deepen your understanding of the techniques and practices.


  • ready to expand your consciousness and raise your level of awareness.

  • in need of more clarity and tools to help you navigate life’s challenges.

  • wanting to join a like-minded community that inspires you to grow and evolve.

  • ready to deepen your connection to your higher self and inner guidance.

  • looking to empower yourself and gain more confidence.

Every Month You’ll Learn A New Technique

  • Clearing Trapped Emotions

    Emotions make us human, and we are meant to experience a full spectrum. However, an unprocessed or trapped emotion can lead to physical, mental, and emotional issues that weigh us down and hold us back. Experience how much lighter you’ll feel when you release old stuck points and align with emotional flow.

  • Transforming Limiting Beliefs

    We all have unconscious beliefs and programming that negatively impact our health, well-being, and relationships. They create the lens through which we see and experience the world. Discover how identifying and positively transforming your limiting beliefs can shift your mindset and uplift your life.

  • Soul Retrievals

    When we face overwhelming experiences, a part of us gets stuck and compartmentalized as a form of self-protection. These fragmented aspects hold the emotions, memories, and wounds of the past. They come up for healing when we are ready to revisit and retrieve them with compassion and love.

  • Ancestral Gifts

    Your ancestry carries individual and collective gifts, wisdom, and positive attributes from many generations. Experience how to connect with your ancestors, on both sides of your family, to access and integrate the optimal qualities you are ready to receive to help you in your current life.

  • Accessing the Akashic Records

    The Akashic Records are the ethereal account of our multidimensional history for our soul’s journey throughout time–past, present, and future. Learn how to connect to access your records and gain insight into a specific issue or area of your life you’d like more clarity and understanding around.

Currently Sold Out - Please check back for future dates and reach out to get on the wait list.

Experience how much more fun and interesting life can truly be. Sign up today to secure your spot!

For: People who are on a conscious journey of personal growth and development.

Class Size: Each class is limited to 8 participants.

Live Training: Monday’s from 6:30-8:30 PM (Central Time)

Exercises: You’ll receive worksheets to help you learn the technique, access personal insights, and see your progress.

Monthly: Jan 22nd, Feb 12th, March 11th April 15th, and May 13th.
Bi-Monthly: Jan 22nd and 30th, Feb 12th and 26th, March 11th and 25th, April 15th and 29th, and May 13th and 20th.

Bonus: Save 20% off your next personal session when you register.

Questions? Let’s talk. Use this link to schedule a free call with Liz.

$90 month
$450 – one time easy payment

$150 month
$750 – two payments of $375

Energetic Healing Series

Learn to Build the Skills That Will Positively Change Your Life

This series of classes is designed to connect you to your multidimensional nature and gifts. Each course provides you with the knowledge, tools, and practices to support personal growth and transformation. Each course is sequentially designed to build your skills, as you learn techniques that progressively strengthen and expand your abilities.

Join an inspiring community of like-minded people, and discover what you are truly capable of when you’re supported along your journey.

  • Intuitive Development

    We are intuitive beings who are all connected to a universal field of intelligence, where information is accessible to help guide us. Learn to develop and deepen your intuitive skills using a number of techniques that will keep you connected to your Higher Self and expand your level of conscious understanding.

    Learning to trust yourself is empowering, uplifting, and life-changing. These classes make it easy and fun!

    Get details and register.

  • Creating Sacred Space

    Our physical spaces, and the land they are built upon, accumulate imprints and energies that impact our life experience and well-being. Learn how to clear out unhelpful and stagnate energies and intentionally bring in more peace, joy, love, abundance, and protection to create living and working spaces that positively support you.

    You will learn two energetic gridding techniques and practice using them to clear your home and property.

    Get details and register.

  • Disconnection from the Collective Shadow and Cellular Activation

    We are all connected and affect one another through our shared experiences and the collective consciousness, that we are all a part of. This two-day workshop teaches you how to disengage from the heavier issues, patterns, emotions, and limiting-beliefs that affect humanity.

    Experience how much lighter and happier you can feel when you disconnect from the global challenges and elevate your vibration.

    Get details and register.

  • Ancestral and Other Lifetimes Energetic Clearing Techniques

    As multidimensional beings, we are impacted by the multitude of lifetimes that we have experienced, as well as those of our ancestors. This course teaches you techniques to transform the past, present, and ancestral issues currently affecting you. You will learn to identify and work through the patterns and challenges that make life more difficult.

    You can also use these cutting-edge, wellness techniques to support your family, friends, or clients and assist them in reconnecting to their true, Divine nature.

    Get details and register.

  • Mentoring Circles

    Group mentoring is designed to strengthen your intuitive and energetic healing skillset through weekly practice and personal guidance. Each session gives you the hands-on experience needed to deepen your understanding of the core techniques and protocols.

    Over the course of eight weeks, you will learn how to identify and address the issues and patterns that keep you from living fully. This group experience provides you with the opportunity expand your abilities while continuing to anchor in your accumulative learning.

Client Testimonials

“Liz’s Intuitive Development class taught me how to ask clarifying questions and better interpret the information I receive. I now listen within before making important decisions; the practical applications are endless. Plus, it was really fun. Everyone was so open––it felt like you were seeing your best friends each week.”

– Mike, Minnesota

"Listening to my gut has taken time to unlock what that means for me. Liz  taught me techniques that increased my self awareness during tough moments. She masterfully helped me build my intuitive skillset which continues to ground me as I make big changes in my life."

– Dondeena, Chicago

“Liz is a gifted teacher and mentor. Her guidance has helped me to cultivate a number of life-changing skills. And her compassion and understanding made it so much easier transform limiting patterns and beliefs. If you ever have a chance to study with her, leap at it!”
— Maryanne, Minnesota

Experience the joy of living well.